xzmelite 发表于 2015-4-7 20:18:34

Business Presentation外教口语沙龙,约起来~~~

【主题】Business Presentation外教口语沙龙
【活动时间】4月8日(周三) 晚18:30-20:00

Ian is going to talk about how to make a proper business presentation in English. Since this is a free and open lecture, if you want to learn something about business presentation, just make a reservation via ways mentioned above.
英语是否在阻碍着你进入优秀的外企,是否将你隔离在国际项目之外,是否无法在商务谈判中展现的机敏的思维?外教Ian将在本次活动中,为大家讲解做Business Presentation的一些标准、技巧、注意事项、建议等,最全的商务英语技巧,还原最真实的职场英语环境,给你的 Business Presentation充充电!
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