rmab0724 发表于 2013-11-21 18:52:59

我是韩国留学生,找Language Exchange或会外语的同学

你好我是在北京留学的韩国留学生(男),我在找Language Exchange或者能教我外语(最好英语)的同学

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rmab0724   - Wechat

p.s. 我几个月前写过这个帖子,可是当时有事情不能做。

Miss.夏 发表于 2014-3-15 15:51:16

回复 1# rmab0724

Miss.夏 发表于 2014-3-15 15:52:13


ChengDuoduo 发表于 2014-3-30 19:32:34

本帖最后由 ChengDuoduo 于 2014-3-30 20:58 编辑

I'm Carina Cheng, a native Chinese speaker born in Beijing and a second - year graduate student from Beijing Film Academy major in TV Drama script writing and research.

Well, here is the thing. My graduation thesis is bases on the Korean TV Drama research, so it seems like I really need someone came from Korea(A native Korean speaker)to be mylanguage partner like now. Actually, more than a language partner I need someone to be my "Korean cultural tutor" to introduce Korea and the details of Korean culture to me.

OK, It's too much about what I want. Now I'm gonna tell you what I can do for you, my future Language partner and Korean tutor:
1. I'm a native Chinese speaker born in Beijing, You don't have to worried about the pronunciation of mandarin that you learned.
2. I can speak Cantonese authentically because I finished my university education in Guangzhou. In my experience if you understand some Cantonese it will definitely gonna help you to get knowing China and Chinese culture.
3. I can speak English fluently with southern American accent, I used to be a interpreter travelled to US.

If you are finding someone cheerful, patient and painstaking like me, please add me in on your WeChat (微信). My WeChat ID is CJ18810813558 and please notes"Korean tutor" in the check blank space.

Looking forward someone out there will contact me, wait and hope!

    如果你从韩国来也对于电视剧有兴趣,希望您能加我的微信多多互助学习。我的微信号:CJ18810813558,可以在验证空格里输入“Korean tutor”以便我尽快验证。

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